The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Deload Day
Coaches Choice
A1: Double KB/DB Z-press (4 x 8-12 @3010)
A2: GHD Back Extensions (4 x 5-8 as controlled as possible)
B: 19.05.29 (2 Rounds for time)
For Time:
In 10 minutes
27 Calorie Row
81 Double Unders (120 singles)
21 Calorie Row
63 Double Unders (90 singles)
15 Calorie Row
45 Double Unders (60 singles)
9 Calorie Row
27 Double Unders (30 singles)
Rest 5 minutes
In 10 minutes
27 Wall Balls 20/14/10#
18 No push Up Burpee
21 Wall Balls
14 Np push up Burpee
15 Wall Balls
10 No Push Up Up Burpee
9 Wall Balls
6 No Push Up Burpee
A deload is a period of time in which you take things easier in the gym by lifting lighter weights or reducing your training volume. Deloads typically last a week and encourage recovery before another period of harder training with heavier loading. Even if your body doesn’t absolutely need to deload, it’s a good idea