Over the course of 3 consecutive 10 minute clocks record the following
- as many 4-ct bar-hop burpees in 5:00
- 3RM hang power clean
- 30-20-10 for time (KBS + sit-up)
- 2RM front squat
- for time (run-row-DblU-burpee)
- 1RM jerk
CLOCK A (10:00)
- 4-ct bar-hop burpee
In Time Remaining
- 3RM Hang Power Clean
CLOCK B (10:00)
- H2H KBS #35/26
- AB-MAT sit-up
In Time Reamaining
- 2RM Front Squat
CLOCK C (10:00)
For Time
- 500m row
- 400m run
- 50 double-under
- 20 burpee
In Time Remaining
- 1RM Jerk (from rack)
this workout looks short.
basically a rest day in disguise 😉