Erg Rowing
6 starts – on the :30
- starts (5 strokes) for max watts
Partner REST
3 power sets – on the :60
- power sets (10 strokes) for max watts
Olympic Lifting Pulls
- ground contact force and stance (feet)
- establish/maintain grip (hands)
- bracing and stabilization (core/shoulders)
- bar path and active position (hips/trunk)
rep cycling – maintain cadence for duration of interval
Hang Power Snatch, :03-:06 /rep
- :60, #75/55
- REST 2:00
Hang Clean, :03-:06 /rep
- :60, #95/65
- REST 2:00
Snatch pulls, :03-:06 /rep
- :60, #135/85
- REST 2:00
Clean Pulls, :03-:06 /rep
- :60, #185/115
- REST 2:00
Enduro TestA:
For Time
- 500m RowErg
Posterior Chain Specific
- MOB WOD posters
- Hip extension
- Glute/Hamstring Activation
- Spinal Erectors
Enduro TestB:
For Time
- 500m RowErg