The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What is your favorite movie?
-air squats
-side lunges
-good mornings
-pull up variation
6 minutes: 8 reps of each
-banded steps (front/back, side/side)
-single leg glute bridges
-kb swings
6 minutes to warm up back squat up to 50-60% of 1RM
Back Squat (5×8)
3:00 clock per set
Build to a heavy set of 8. It should be heavier than your heaviest set of 10.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
OTM 15
Min 1: 4 pullups + 4 box jumps
Min 2: 5 pullups + 5 box jumps
Min 3: 6 + 6
Min 4: 7 + 7
Min 15: 18 + 18
*If you fail to complete the designated reps within a given minute, REST the next minute. Subtract 2 reps from your failed round. Resume OTM and maintain with that rep scheme for the remainder of the workout.
Score: rounds passed with RX rep scheme (highest score is 15)