The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What was your favorite 90s TV show?
2 min double under practice/review
2x 10 reps of each:
– kb bent over row
– push ups
– scapular pull ups/ring rows
– glute bridges
– hollow rocks
A: Max Rep Strict Pull Ups (AMRAP – Reps)
-Choose a scale that allows you AT LEAST 6-8 reps.
-You may scale up to a green band.
-If more assistance is needed, move to a ring row variation that yields AT LEAST 8-10 reps.
B: Pull-ups (OTM 6: 50% of A)
-Use same scaling option as you did for [A].
-If you fail to hit the rep scheme, add assistance so that you can hit it.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 kb swings (RUS) 70/53
15 situps
30 double unders*
*Double under scale is 30 bar taps to a target 6-8 inches above your standing reach OR TRIPLE singles.