The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
Rotate through the following for 8 minutes.
A) 10 band pass throughs
B) 10 band pull aparts (all levels: eye, shoulder and hip)
C) 20 jump rope (doubles or high singles)
D) 12 AKBS
E) 12 wall squats
Coach led barbell warm up.
Power Snatch (1 rep every 15s for 8:00)
75% of 1RM
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 3, OTM 27
1. max cal row
2. max double unders
3. active hang on bar (1), wall sit (2), plank hold (3)
Everyone gets through 9 rounds of everything.
Score = total calories and double unders AS AN INDIVIDUAL