The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
What is your least favorite “girl” benchmark?
400m run + 3-5 minutes shoulder mobility
3 rounds: 10 of each
– band pull aparts (eye, chest, hip level)
– pullup variation (scapular, kipping, etc.)
– crab walk (meters)
– burpee broad jump (meters)
30 Muscle-Ups (Time)
30 muscle-ups for time
CAP 12
50 pull-ups (Time)
50 pull-ups
CAP 12
You may scale up to a double green band, then go to ring rows.
Metcon (Time)
For Time, CAP 25
800m run
25 snatches 75/55
600m run
20 snatches
400m run
15 snatches
200m run
10 snatches
RX+ is 105/75