The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
A1: Floor Press (4 x 12-10-8-8 @20X1)
Use barbell coming from the rack.
A2: 3 point Kb/db row (4 x 8 per side)
Use a box or bench to rest one hand on top while both feet are planted on the ground.
Use other hand to row the kb/db
Drive the elbow as high as possible without rotation.
A3: Side plank reach through (weighted) (4 x 8 per side, rest :30 seconds between sides)
A3 : Side Planks Rotations ( 4 x 8, rest : 30 seconds per side)
B : GGP Circuit 2 (19.04.11) (No Measure)
:30 seconds on/ :30 seconds off
a) sled push (empty)
b) assault bike
c) sandbag hold
d) box jumps
e) zercher hold (yokes empty)
f) 20ft side shuffle