
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Training

Mobility: Ankles


A: Overhead Squat (3 x 15-12-9@11×0)

3 sets x 15-12-9 @ 1 down, 1 hold, exlode up.

Start at 50% then 55% and 60%

On a 3 minute clock


B: (18.01.11) Fast Feet (AMRAP – Reps)

Every 2 minutes x 8

For max accumulated shuttle runs.

In teams of 2, only one person working at a time

A) 15 GHD hip extensions each (health: 20 supermans)

2)40 ft Double Front Rack Walking Lunge each ( 50#/35#/30-10#)+ 10 wall balls (20/14/10#)

3) 160 FT shuttle run (2 reps)

4) Rest

(16 minutes total)

RX+: 25/15# hip extensions, 15 wall balls

Cash Out

Row or Bike

:50 sec, rest :10

:40 sec, rest :20

:30 sec, rest :30

:20 sec, rest:40

:10 sec, rest :50

rest 2 minutes

repeat 2 -3 times