
The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Question of the Day

What is your favorite place to take out-of-town guests?


-8 pvc pass throughs

-8 wall squats

-8 scap pushups/pushups/bomber pushups

-8 band pull aparts each level

-(6 kb arm bar, 3 on each side)

-6 half turkish get up


4 x 5:00 press complex*

In 5 minutes complete A-D, rest remainder…

a. 2 Turkish Get Ups on each arm

b. 20m double kb waiter walk

c. 3 double kb seated press

d. 30 band pull aparts (eye, chest, hip)

Repeat 3 more times

*Build kettlebell weight across


Metcon (Time)

For time, CAP 14

200m run

8 snatches 115/75

200m run

8 snatches

200m run

8 snatches

200m run

RX+ 135/95

*There are 4 runs and 3 sets of snatches. Start and end with a run.