
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit


Context: Training

Mobility: Shoulders


A1: Close Grip Bench Press (7 sets x 2 reps @30×1)

Hands 16″ apart. (hands just outside the smooth area of the bar)

Focus on elbows close to the ribcage and shoulders back and down towards the bench.
7 sets x 2 reps @ 3 down, explode up.

Start at 60% and increase weight as long as tempo stays true.

15 -21 minutes to complete A1+A2 (2-3 minute clock depending on class size)

A2: Ring Rows (7 x 5 @ 3012)

7 sets x 5 reps @ 3 down, 1 up, 2 second hold at the top.



B: (17.12.15) Full body Assault. (AMRAP – Reps)

For total reps:

1 minute Assault bike cals

1 minute no-jump rope climbs **(health: 2 rope lowers = 1 rope climb)

1 minute wall balls (health: 10#,athletic*: 14#, performance: 20#)

1 minute AB mat sit ups

1 minute rest

x 3

RX+ GHD sit ups

*women’s rx

**Each rope climb is worth 2 reps.


3 rounds of:

8 challenging bicep curls (barbell or 2 db)

10 push ups

30 fast banded tricep extensions