Team WOD 03.30.19

Team WOD 03.30.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardA: RUN LOLA RUN (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20 In teams of 3 P1:1 rope climb + 5 burpees + 200 m run P2:12/8 Calories on Bike (AD6 BIKE: 17/11) P3: Plank Switch based on RC/B/R. Score is Total...
Friday 03.29.19

Friday 03.29.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextDeload TrainingMobilitycoaches choiceStrengthA1: Single Leg RDL (3 x 8 per side @4010)A2: Strict Toes-To-Bar (3 x 5-10 controlled reps.)A3: Side Bend (3 x 10 total...
Thursday 03.28.19

Thursday 03.28.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityShouldersStrengthA1: Floor Press (4 x 8-12 )A2: 3 point Kb/db row (4 x 8 per side)Use a box or bench to rest one hand on top while both feet are planted on the ground. Use other...
Wednesday 03.27.19

Wednesday 03.27.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextDe-load Week TrainingMobilitycoaches choiceStrengthA: Power Clean (8 x complex)Work between 40-50% of 1RM complex: 3 position clean (bottom-up) 1)4 second first pull – pause below knee...
Tuesday 03.26.19

Tuesday 03.26.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityHipsStrengthA1: Pistols progression (box step downs) (4 x 5-8 @3010)stand on top of a box and lower yourself getting to a “pistol” positionA2: Ring Support Hold (4 x :20...
Monday 03.25.19

Monday 03.25.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextPracticeMobilityCoaches choiceMetconA: 19.03.25 (AMRAP – Reps)AMRAP 4 Assault bike Calories Rest 1 minute AMRAP 4 30 double unders 15 Tuck ups Rest 1 minute AMRAP 4 Rowing Calories rest 1...