Team Metcon 04.06.19

Team Metcon 04.06.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardA: The Seven (team version) (Time)In teams of 2 or 3. One person working at a time. 7 Rounds For Time 7 Handstand Push-Ups 7 Thrusters (RX: 135/95 lb) (Athletic: 95/65#) (Fitness: 75#/55#) 7...
Friday 04.05.19

Friday 04.05.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextCompetitionMobilityHipsStrengthA1: Front Box Squat ( 5 x 5 @42X1)5 sets x 5 reps @4 seconds down, 2 second hold in the bottom and explode up. Work between 40-50% of 1RM. Box should be set just...
Thursday 04.04.19

Thursday 04.04.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextPracticeMetconB: GPP Circuit 1 (No Measure)1 minute on / 1 minute off A) sled push B) Farmers hold C) battle ropes D) Odd object hold x3 (24 minutes total)AccessoryIn classB1: GHD sit up hold (3 x...
Wednesday 04.03.19

Wednesday 04.03.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextCompetitionMobilityFront RackStrengthA: Power Clean (1 x 1 )18 minutes to find a new 1RM. Although we are testing your 1RM do your best to stay away from “star fishing”.MetconB: Getting...
Tuesday 04.02.19

Tuesday 04.02.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityShouldersStrengthA1: Single Arm DB/KB shoulder Press (4 x 8 @2010 per side, rest :30 sec. between arms)A2: Push-ups (4 x 5-15)A3: Ring Support Hold (4 x :30-:45 seconds)MetconB:...
Monday 04.01.19

Monday 04.01.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityHipsStrengthA1: Front Rack Lunge (4 x 8 per side)4 sets x 8 reps per side. Complete all repetitions on the same side. Rest 30 seconds between sides.A2: Ring Rows (4 x 5-8)4 sets x...