Team WOD 04.27.19

Team WOD 04.27.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public Whiteboard19.04.27 (AMRAP – Reps)AMRAP 30 In teams of 2 1000 m row -100 Hang power cleans( RX: 95/65#, athletic 75/55#, fitness: 65/45#) 1000 m row -100 burpees over bar 1000 m row -100 sit ups 1000 m row...
Friday 04.26.19

Friday 04.26.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextCompetitionMobilityShouldersSkill Work5 minutes to explain kipping and butterfly technique Then EMOM 5 1-3 pull-ups working on the technique learned No pull-ups? Work on your kip swing 5...
Thursday 04.25.19

Thursday 04.25.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextPracticeMetconA: 19.04.25(MAP 3) (No Measure)1 minute on/ :30 seconds off 1) row 2) side plank right 3) side plank left 4) bike 5) sled push 6) Zercher or sandbag hold 7) jump rope (singles, double...
Wednesday 04.24.19

Wednesday 04.24.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityHipsStrength20 minutes for this sectionA1: Weighted Step-ups (3 x 8 per side)A2: GHD Hip Extension (BWT) (3 x 8 )Set GHD to clear hip bone from the pads. Maintain a neutral spine...
Tuesday 04.23.19

Tuesday 04.23.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityshouldersStrengthA1: Handstand Push-ups (5 x 5 @4011)Strict Handstand Push Ups or variation.A2: L-Sit Pull-ups (5 x 5 @3010)MetconB: Rogue Fitness Invitational – Online...
Monday 04.22.19

Monday 04.22.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextCompetitionMobilityhipsStrengthA1: Front Squat (Build to a 1RM)20 minutes to find a 1 RM Beginner athletes find a 3 RM @3010A2: Seated Shoulder External Rotation (3 x 8 @3010 , per...