Team WOD 06.22.09

Team WOD 06.22.09

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public Whiteboard10 x 10 (Time)With a partner complete for time: 10 rounds of: 10 powered calories (row or bike) 10 sit ups 10 Burpees 10 box jumps w/ step down. 24/20″ partners divide the work however they wish....
Friday 06.21.19

Friday 06.21.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextCompetitionMobilityFront rack mobilityStrengthA: Power Clean and Jerk (15 minutes to find a heavy single)Complex: 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 jerkStrengthB: LIquid Cocaine(CFNE...
Thursday 06.20.19

Thursday 06.20.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextPracticeMobilityCoaches ChoiceStrengthA1: Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (4 x 8 @3030)Keep a flat back hinge at the hips . The knees bent slightly. Lower your torso as low as possible w/o loosing back...
Wednesday 06.19.19

Wednesday 06.19.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextPracticeMobilityShoulders/ThoracicStrengthA: Power Snatch (5 X EMOM 12)Barbell Cycling Every minute on the minute EMOM 3 (50%) rest 1 minute EMOM 3 (55%) rest 1 minute EMOM 4...
Tuesday 06.18.19

Tuesday 06.18.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityStrengthA1: Back Squat (4 x 12-10-10-8 @2011)A2: Dips (4 x 5-8 @2020)If you are able to perform weighted dips on matadors, let’s move on to the rings.MetconB: 19.06.18 (Time)4...
Monday 06.17.19

Monday 06.17.19

The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitView Public WhiteboardContextTrainingMobilityShouldersStrengthA1: Shoulder Press (4 x 6-8 @3010)A2: Chin Ups (4 x 3-8 @2121)underhand gripMetconB: 19.06.17 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)In teams of 2 As many rounds and reps...