by Justin Quandt | Sep 21, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 ROUNDS* 60 Single Unders 10 Lunge → Goblet Lunge → 4/4 KB OH Lunge 7 Push-ups → :20 Ring Support Hold → 7 Dip Negative 10 KB DL → 10 KB Russian Swing → 7 KB American Swing 10 Sit-up → 10 Leg Lift →...
by Justin Quandt | Sep 21, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – Rx+ AccessoryA. CONDITIONINGMetcon (No Measure)FOR RECOVERY* 10:00 Bike 10:00 Row 8:00 Bike 8:00 Row 4:00 Bike 4:00 Row *Goal is to maintain same pace throughout entire workout.B. 60:00 GPPWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3 ROUNDS* 60...
by Justin Quandt | Sep 20, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)3:00 BIKE INCREASING EFFORT MIN 1: EASY MIN 2: EASY+ MIN 3: MODERATE -THEN- 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 10 Tempo Air Squats (33X1) 15 PVC Good Mornings 10 Cossack Squats **5 MIN CAP on the 3...
by Justin Quandt | Sep 20, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – Rx+ AccessoryA. CONDITIONINGCrossfit Games Open 19.1 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 19 wall-ball shots 19-cal. row Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women throw 14-lb. ball...
by Justin Quandt | Sep 19, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)4 ROUNDS INCREASING EFFORT EACH ROUND 200m Run 10 Alt Sampson Lunge Stretch 10 Up-Down 8/8 DB Strict High Pulls 8/8 DB Hang Power Clean :20 Rest **10 MIN CAP**Extended Warm-upPower Clean...
by Justin Quandt | Sep 19, 2019 | WoD
The Foundry Union Station – Rx+ Accessory