by Justin Quandt | Jan 4, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 1 SUNDAY CLASS ONLY! Long-Distance: Done in class together 500 m row test! Group Fun Workout ☺ Sunday 11 AM 1/5/14! *Note this workout is for endurance athletes only! The next time to join will be in session 4 which begins the week of January 27th...
by Justin Quandt | Dec 30, 2013 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 1 Warm-Up: :30 ON :30 OFF x 4 Air Dyne Part 1. Baseline 500 m row 40 air squats 30 sit ups 20 push ups 10 pull ups 10:00 rest Part 2. Rowing Intervals 750 m row rest 2:00 500 m row rest 1:30 250 m row rest 2:30 1000 m row Note time of each row *Note...
by Justin Quandt | Dec 27, 2013 | Endurance WoD
Session 2, Week 4 Long-Distance: Done in class together 30:00 Row for Meters *Note this workout is for endurance athletes only! The next time to join will be in session 3 which begins the week of December 30th.
by Justin Quandt | Dec 25, 2013 | Endurance WoD
Session 2, Week 4 Warm-Up: Tabata cycle (8 rounds :20 work :10 rest) Light KB Swing to eye level Part 1. Rowing Intervals 500m Row x 6 1:1 rest (however long it takes you to row, you rest that long) Damper= 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 Rest 10:00 Part 2. AMRAP 10 10 Burpees 50...
by Justin Quandt | Dec 20, 2013 | Endurance WoD
Session 2, Week 3 20:00 Row for Meters *Note this workout is for endurance athletes only! The next time to join will be in session 3 which begins the week of December 30th.
by Justin Quandt | Dec 16, 2013 | Endurance WoD
Session 2, Week 3 Warm-Up: :30 jump squat :30 rest, :30 plyometric push up :30 rest, :30 jump lunge :30 rest, :30 GHD sit up :30 rest (if you don’t know what these movements are check with a coach) Part 1. 4 Rounds 3 min ON 500 m row+ Body weight AMRAP Round 1= Air...