by Justin Quandt | Jan 31, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 4, Week 1 10:00 Row 5:00 Rest 10:00 Row *Sprint 1st, 9th, 10th minute of each row period *Note this workout is for endurance athletes only! The next time to join will be in the spring.
by Justin Quandt | Jan 27, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 4, Week 1 Warm-Up: :30 HARD :30 LIGHT x 4 Air Dyne Part 1. Baseline 500 m row 40 air squats 30 sit ups 20 push ups 10 pull ups 10:00 rest Part 2. Rowing Intervals 4:00 ON 2:00 OFF 3:00 ON 2:00 OFF 2:00 ON 2:00 OFF 1:00 ON Stroke rate= 28-30 Note meters for...
by Justin Quandt | Jan 17, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 3 2500 m row 5 min rest 2000 m 5 min rest 1500 m row *Note this workout is for endurance athletes only! The next time to join will be in session 4 which begins the week of January 27th 2014
by Justin Quandt | Jan 13, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 3 Warm-Up: 25 jumping jacks, 20 air squats, 15 burpees, 10 long jumps, 5 pull ups Part 1. For Time- CAP 12 30 Kcal Row 30 Overhead plate lunge (45/25) 25 Kcal Row 25 Overhead plate lunge (45/25) 20 Kcal Row 20 Overhead plate lunge (45/25) 15 Kcal Row...
by Justin Quandt | Jan 10, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 2 12 minute Max Meter Row 6 minute Rest 12 minute Max Meter Row 1st Damper Setting: M= 6 F=5 2nd Damper Setting: M= 4 F=3 Goal: M= 3K F= 2.5K
by Justin Quandt | Jan 6, 2014 | Endurance WoD
Session 3, Week 2 Warm-Up: Tabata Double Unders! (8 rounds :20 ON :10 OFF) Part 1. 10 Min AMRAP 250 m Row 10 Deficit push-ups (plates 45/25) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) Notes: • Score equals rounds + reps completed in 10 minutes • If you don’t finish the row at the end of...