Optimize Your Recovery Time

Optimize Your Recovery Time

Whether you are training for an endurance race, weightlifting meet, the CrossFit Games, or life in general, your ability to quickly recover from your most recent training session has a direct impact on the quality and results of your next training session. The faster...
5 Common Rowing Mistakes

5 Common Rowing Mistakes

Rowing is certainly a mode of exercise that people can progress very quickly in. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a talented athlete to start rowing and make their country’s national team within just two or three short years. The point is only to say it doesn’t take...
Rip Tips

Rip Tips

If you’re swinging on bars doing pull-ups and throwing around kettlebells and barbells, chances are you’re going to rip your hands at some point. For you veterans: Do you remember your first rip? Were you excited because it felt like a rite of passage into the world...
Choosing Movement Progressions

Choosing Movement Progressions

Choosing progressions doesn’t show weakness: It shows intelligence Handstand push-ups are on the agenda today: 5 sets of 5 reps as challenging as possible. Some athletes kip, others do strict deficit sets, but the great majority choose a “progression” to get through...
What you can expect from your Coach for Life

What you can expect from your Coach for Life

One of the things we pride ourselves on at The Foundry is being able to provide all our clients with a Coach for Life. What’s a coach for life? Well, it’s something you won’t find at many gyms! The majority of fitness facilities are marred by a constant revolving door...
Why you’re not PR’ing anymore. Or are you…

Why you’re not PR’ing anymore. Or are you…

When personal bests become few and far between… When you first start training, you can pretty much expect to hit a personal best nearly every day you show up, and sometimes they’re huge PRs. Two years later, personal bests might only happen once a week. A year after...