by Adrian Bilyk | Nov 8, 2018 | Blog
Whether you are training for an endurance race, weightlifting meet, the CrossFit Games, or life in general, your ability to quickly recover from your most recent training session has a direct impact on the quality and results of your next training session. The faster...
by Adrian Bilyk | Nov 6, 2018 | Blog
Rowing is certainly a mode of exercise that people can progress very quickly in. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a talented athlete to start rowing and make their country’s national team within just two or three short years. The point is only to say it doesn’t take...
by Adrian Bilyk | Nov 1, 2018 | Blog
If you’re swinging on bars doing pull-ups and throwing around kettlebells and barbells, chances are you’re going to rip your hands at some point. For you veterans: Do you remember your first rip? Were you excited because it felt like a rite of passage into the world...
by Adrian Bilyk | Oct 30, 2018 | Blog
Choosing progressions doesn’t show weakness: It shows intelligence Handstand push-ups are on the agenda today: 5 sets of 5 reps as challenging as possible. Some athletes kip, others do strict deficit sets, but the great majority choose a “progression” to get through...
by Adrian Bilyk | Oct 25, 2018 | Blog
One of the things we pride ourselves on at The Foundry is being able to provide all our clients with a Coach for Life. What’s a coach for life? Well, it’s something you won’t find at many gyms! The majority of fitness facilities are marred by a constant revolving door...
by Adrian Bilyk | Oct 23, 2018 | Blog
When personal bests become few and far between… When you first start training, you can pretty much expect to hit a personal best nearly every day you show up, and sometimes they’re huge PRs. Two years later, personal bests might only happen once a week. A year after...