Cognetivity: What is it and how does it relate to you?

Cognetivity: What is it and how does it relate to you?

As the cliche goes, “Prevention is the best medicine.” It sounds so simple, and we have all heard the advice before. Eat a healthy diet most of the time, workout regularly, don’t smoke, and you’re likely to prevent dire health consequences in your future. But then...
Why CrossFit is for everyone: A coach’s perspective

Why CrossFit is for everyone: A coach’s perspective

As a CrossFit coach, naturally, I speak to many people about CrossFit. Not in the sense of how great I think it is or which brutally difficult workout I “crushed” the other day, but in the sense of how I believe it can change a person’s life, in more ways than merely...
Social Comparison and Personal Improvement

Social Comparison and Personal Improvement

PRs come in all forms: Don’t let what others are doing rob you from your celebration   Ever heard of social comparison theory? This was initially proposed by a social psychologist named Leon Festinger in the 1950s. Basically, it says we tend to compare ourselves...
Instant Gratification or Long-Term Results?

Instant Gratification or Long-Term Results?

Have you ever wondered why you keep falling off your diet and workout plan? Have you ever done something you knew was a bad idea, but did it anyway? Do you ever wonder why we continue to do things we know are bad for us—be it eating sugary food, drinking too much...