Can't stop Jim's double unders!

Can’t stop Jim’s double unders!

This week we are highlighting an athlete who continues to push his limits and improve himself each week despite a busy schedule. This week’s “Athlete of the Week” is Jim Abercrombie!

Jim, like many of us, has a lot of commitments from work and family life, yet he has made training a priority and is committed to bettering himself. Jim has made large gains since his first benchmark workout. Continue reading for an insight on how The Foundry has impacted his life.

The Foundry: How did you hear about CrossFit?

Jim Abercrombie: I first heard about CrossFit when a few different college friends joined various boxes in the Indianapolis area. I would see stuff they posted on Facebook from time to time and honestly it looked a bit intimidating. However, as time went on, more and more people I knew starting doing CrossFit and everyone who did it seemed to love it.

One day last summer I was jogging down Clark and saw the Foundry. When I learned it was a CrossFit gym I went over and set up a intro session. After finishing the benchmark workout I felt like I was going to die! I seriously did not feel normal for at least two hours. But I really liked pushing myself that hard–I had not felt that since I was on the high school wrestling team–so I signed up for foundations and the rest is history.

F: What got you “hooked” on training at the Foundry?

JA: What makes CrossFit so appealing to me is the great mix of competition (both against others and with yourself) and camaraderie. I also like the balanced approach to training and lifestyle. Its easy to work on the stuff you are good at, its so much harder to address your weaknesses. But everyday we work on improving something, and I love that.

F: How do you balance your personal life, work commitments, and your training?

JA: With a job that starts early and two young kids time is my scarcest resource. The Foundry is right down the street from my office so it is easy to get over there on most days.

F: What are some of your training goals?

JA: My main goals are to Rx handstand push-ups and muscle ups, achieve perfect form in the Olympic lifts and lose weight.

F: What is something we don’t know about you?

JA: I am an Eagle Scout, I love golf, and I love to cook.

Thanks for sharing your experience Jim and showing how we can all make time for training. Be sure to congratulate Jim and continue to WOD hard! See you next week!