The Foundry Union Station, The Foundry Printers Row – CrossFit
2 rounds of all movements
(:30 sec on/ :15 sec rest)
Jumping jacks
Kips/ knees to chest
Kb Sumo deadlifts
Quick feet with burpee
Air squats
Mountain climbers
Single arm kb row
Odd Skills
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 4
4x [5:00 work + 1:00 rest]
1. Rope climbs 1:1
2. Battle Ropes, 30s intervals
3. Tire Flips 1:1 (may use the team to flip)
4. Sled Push 1:1 (weight with a team mate)
Score = total rope climbs and tire flips
*Rope lowers are 2:1