7:30PM STAYS ALIVE! – Disregard the cancellation of the 7:30 classes at Printers Row. Our original intent was to discontinue the classes for a short period for the welfare of our coaches that have been working so hard over these past few weeks, and to rebuild the Endurance program. Coach Dan stepped up and offered his 7:30 time slot to keep the class schedule unbroken. Dan, Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to The Foundry community, and for being such a caring coach to each and every member! It is all very much appreciated!
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
2 min Double Under Practice
then 8 min to rotate through the following:
8 lunges with a twist
8 Kb goblet squats
8 single arms kb swings/ per arm
8 russian twist (med ball or kb)
8 jumping jacks
Front Rack Lunge (4×6 each leg)
20:00 to complete all sets (including warm up sets).
Build to heavy
*Maintain a good front rack position (POSTURE, CORE STABILITY)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
– 12 KB Swings (Rus) 53/35
– 60 double unders
REST 2 minutes
– 6 KB Swings (Rus) 53/35
– 30 double unders
RX+ is 70/53
Scale for dubs is BAR TAPS
Score = Total reps
– 1 round of AMRAP 1 is 72 reps
– 1 round of AMRAP 2 is 36 reps