The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
3 rounds of:
20 mountain climbers
15 KB swings
10 KB Goblet squats
5 KB strict press
Coach led barbel warm up
Power Clean (5×10 Touch n’ Go @ 3:00 clock)
Barbell Cycling
Build to a max set of 10 UNBROKEN REPS.
Yes, they are all from the floor (with NO RESET at the floor).
The goal is speed and power.
Metcon (Time)
6x 2:00 clock, KB Complex 53/35
On one arm, then the other arm:
– 4 shoulder to overhead
– 5 thrusters
– 6 front rack lunges (total)
– rest remainder of interval
Score = total working time
RX+ is 70/53
*Take note of time remaining in each interval so you can calculate your total working time at the end.
*Complete the complex on both arms before resting.