The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – Extra Credit
30 sec ON/30 sec OFF
Alternating between ring support hold and ring dip hold
– Each minute hold the top or bottom of ring dip for as long as possible within 30 seconds
– Rest completely during the last 30 seconds of each minute
Metcon (Time)
Record the average time you were able to hold the position.
4 sets of 60% of your best set of unbroken muscle ups – unlimited rest between sets.
If you don’t have muscle ups:
– Practice Rowing Muscle Ups
(see final page of this article)
– If you can do them well then accumulate 20-30 perfect reps
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Record number of reps completed and make a note if rowing muscle ups
For Time:
Accumulate two minutes of L-sit, every time you break do 10 calories on the rower.
Metcon (Time)
Record total time, and make a note of how many times you broke.