The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Question of the Day
Who is your favorite Supreme Court justice or other legal representative?
2 min double under practice, then…
8 minutes to rotate through:
-3 rope lowers/pullups
-5 lunges (each leg)
-5 pushups
-7 v ups
-9 squat jumps
Shoulder Press (12×3)
OTM 12
3 strict presses @ 70-75% of 1RM*
*If/when you fail, move to 3 push presses for the remainder**
**If fail push presses, reduce weight
Score = number of rounds you were able to hit STRICT (coaches, change the first number when you input scores)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 3-4
5x 3:00 stations with 1:00 transition time
1. Buddy sleds (P1 sits on sled, P2 pushes. Then P2 sits, P3 pushes, and P1 rests–> push, sit, rest)
2. Double unders*
3. Rope climbs**
4. Row for cals*
5. Max plank hold***
*For double unders and rowing; all team mates will work for the entire 3:00 station to accumulate as many reps as possible.
**For rope climbs; use 2 ropes (2 people may work at a time).
1. Team total of sleds, dubs, and rope climbs (10 points for climbs, 5 points for lowers)
2. Individual time in a plank (unbroken)
Metcon (Time)
Max plank hold