

What a weekend! The Foundry athletes represented our box well at The 2013 Granite Games!

Here are some highlights from the weekend. Be sure to check out the Facebook album for pictures from the whole weekend.

Mike G PRd the sprint thruster workout by 2 minutes completing it in 5:46!

Jenni and Alecia were the only Foundry competitors to make it to the final workout placing 11th overall in the women’s team division. Alecia placed 1st on Event 3,1- the 50 Kcal sprint on the air-dyne! She beat every other female competitor at The Granite Games. She red lined after that but it was worth it! Jenni got 5 muscle-ups in event 4.0- putting them above most of the competition.

The girls hugging after the final workout

The girls hugging after the final workout

Noah and Ketchup worked solidly as a team all weekend. Noah kicked it up into high gear during the sprint thruster workout. Ketchup strung muscle-ups and toes to bar like it was no problem!

Manny and Jordan (aka Bronco) dominated the deadlifts and backsquat workout- going unbroken on all the squats. Bronco PRd his snatch during the first event hitting 205#.

Andrew and Wayne balanced each other well throughout the events. Andrew placed 9th in event 3.1- the 50 kcal air-dyne sprint Wayne dominated the barbell all weekend.

Kumuda hit a PR during her 2-RM snatch ladder. She got fourth in that event snatching 128 twice!

Joe worked steadily all weekend. He placed 6th in event four completing 23 muscle ups within the time cap.

Jon PRd his snatch at 245# in the snatch ladder. He also placed 12th in event 4.0 after riding the air-dyne for 5 minutes.

The Foundry Team at The 2013 Granite Games

The Foundry Team at The 2013 Granite Games

All athletes did tremendously well and did our gym proud. Be sure to congratulate them and ask them about their experience. For more information about competing and the competitors program speak to Coach Jon or any other Foundry couches for more information.