
This past weekend, our top athletes and many spectators travelled to Reckless CrossFit in Plano for the National Firebreather Competition.  This regional event featured many top athletes from the mid-west and represented the premier CrossFit competition leading up to the CrossFit North Central Regionals 2013.  We had by far the largest fan base of any box there.

I’d like to take a moment to congratulate the heroic performances of our competitors, Brian Wilimzig, Jenni Hartman, Joe Roark, and Jon Colborn.  Each of you demonstrated incredible determination, competitive spirit, and inspired me with your performance.  Coach Jon finished 11th, Joe finished 15th in his first CrossFit competition, and Brian finished 23rd (also his first competition).  Jenni broke her ankle during the 2nd WoD and was not able to finish – but fortunately she is expected to make a full recovery for Regionals.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our team.  I can’t wait for the open!

Jenni Power Clean

3-2-1 Go


Jon Front Squat

Joe Muscle-up

Boy Wonder on the rings


Brian Muscle-up

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