A: Press
20:00 to build to a 5RM
B: assistance work
4 sets
- 8 bent row
- 8 bench press
- max pull-up
C: MetCon – CAP9
21 burpee
3 rounds
- 7 thrusters #155/115
- 21 toes to bar
21 burpee
A: Press
20:00 to build to a 5RM
B: assistance work
4 sets
C: MetCon – CAP9
21 burpee
3 rounds
21 burpee
ooooooohhhhhh. I was going to take tomorrow off, but now I’m not. Game on Brad, game on.
Angela I just request u
I picked burpee’s tonight. I can’t wait for tomorrow! need to improve bench press
yay Linhy Phan I am going to sleep in a little bit extra tomorrow morning so I have enough energy to do these burpees
let’s coordinate a workout time together?
tomorrow at 5:30? I can’t i have class 6pm tomorrow
womp, womp
I usually go at 10am
u usually go at 5:30 right?