A: Back Squat
Warm-ups are variable to the individual. Bottom line prepare to lift don’t burn out. Here are some suggested warm-up sets, perform between 2-5 sets never completing more than half the reps you could actually have lifted with that weight.
General percentages guidelines: 50% 20RM , 75% 10RM, 85% 5RM, 90% 3RM, 100% 1RM
warm-up sets – 10:00
x10 @ #45/35 – x5-8 @ 60% – x3-6 @ 70% – x1-3 @ 80% – x1-3 @ 90%
REST 1:00 between sets (basically enough time to change weight)
working sets – 15:00
The goal is to lift straight sets, meaning this will be a sustained effort across working sets without changing weight. This is not an attempt at a 1RM PR, it is sustained work near your current 1RM as a percentage of your current 1RM.
5×1 @ 95% of back squat 1RM
REST exactly 2:00 between sets
Perform max reps on last set without breaking form. This will help to determine your level of strength endurance as well as if the appropriate weight was used across working sets.
B: Assistance super-set – 10:00
6 sets (minimal transition, REST 1:00 before repeating)
- x6 barbell lunge (L+R = 1 rep)
- x6 strict pull-up (use weight if necessary)
C: MetCon – CA12
5 rounds
- 20 jump squats
- 10 toes to bar
- :60 plank (accumulated time)
Sweet, can’t wait to do more toes to bar after doing 81 of them on Saturday. 😀
Also, yay squats. Right Lina?